Friday, September 16, 2011

Which razor is the best for you?

Hey hey hey!!! Looks like we are getting a bit of rain here in Newfoundland thanks to Hurricane Maria.... Seems like a great time to touch base with you all :-) How have ya been?

Recently it has dawned on me that over the last few years I have been working towards a state of optimization of my life. Letting life do it's thing and following a certain path with a underlying theme that I did not have the words to explain. Check out the following quote. When I first saw it, I realized that it best describes what I am talking about.

"It is vain to do with more what can be done with less."
William of Occam (c. 1288-1348), aka "Occam's Razor"

I have come to realize that this theme was becoming more and more apparent(and important) in my life. As I reflect over my wonderful 38, almost 39 years on this planet this theme has always been with me and has been building up steam with every experience. Today the idea of an optimized life, balance, and respect for everything have become significant drivers in my day to day activities. For example, as a scuba diver, I have always set out to equip myself with a bare-bones approach. Only diving with what I know I will need to be safe and sound, and carry out the duties of a good buddy. As a consumer I have worked to reduce my spending habits so that everything I "need" is acquired, and most of what is not important to me stays unconsumed. As a friend I have removed myself from interfering in people lives, unless asked to interfere. The list could go on and on. 

To be honest... I am not really sure why this theme has come about. Maybe because I have always prided my self on being a just person, regarding what is "fair" to all parties as most important in my life. Maybe it is a symptom of my generation. Do all Gen X feel the same as I do? Whatever, the "WHY" is unimportant. For me what is important is that I see this as a strength in my life. A strength that has helped me achieve MANY goals in my life, helped shape my character, and kept me on a life's path that I approve of.

So as I have said before... I am not here to tell you that this is the way you should live your life. That there is any right or wrong way to live. Simply to offer my thoughts and observations. If you would like to discuss this line of thought more drop me a line. I LOVE a good conversation. If this line of thought interests you feel free to see my suggested reading below for more insight. Also please feel free to let me know of something you have read or seen that you think I may be interested in.

All the best,
Johnny O.

Suggested reading:
For the mind - "Good to Great" by Jim Collins
For the body - "The 4-Hour Body" by Timothy Ferriss
For the soul - "Living the Wisdom of the Tao" by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
For perspective - "Shadow Divers" by Robert Kurson


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As well on my Facebook fanpage Adventures with Johnny O.

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