Monday, March 31, 2014

Payoff - Day 41

Man, can I tell you that this challenge has been a blessing!  Everyday I speak to someone who is inspired by my effort and my results. That is reward enough for me! However on top of that my own personal physical results amaze me every day. My mind is clear, and my relationships with people are way more real. Because my self esteem is high I talk to everyone I meet. Now those of you who really know me I am sure would say that last one is no surprise. But I mean even more than usual! Opportunities are popping up from all areas of my life,  and as of today I am right on track in just about all areas my life.

Like Lao Tzu says.... the longest journey starts with one step. I wonder how many steps I am up to now ;-)

A big Johnny O. Shout out to all involved! Thanks again! I couldn't do it without you :-)

Sunday, March 30, 2014

3/4 - Day 40

Today is a big bechmark for me. Day 40... only 20 days left. Now I am in the home stretch. It is important to me because I have not given up.  Every day I make this happen my word to myself gets stronger and my self esteem expands exponentially.  What a journey. .. thanks for coming with :-)

Sundowner - Day 39

It was great to go up the mountain just before sundown. What a nice new perspective. Funny thing happened a guy ran up the path behind me and scared the shit out of me. I had my iPod blasting. When I got to the top I chatted with him and he had come from a similar journey as my self. Lost a lot of weight etc. he advised me about his experience. I was very appreciative. Life has a funny way putting people on your path. What a great day on the mountain.

Friday, March 28, 2014

BIG A.M. - Day 38

Just how much time do you spend thinking big? I mean really really BIG!?! Good because thats how much of it you are going to get! What a coincidence ;-)

Thursday, March 27, 2014

No storm lasts forever - Day 37

When I went to bed last night I was expecting to hike up the mtn. In driving snow up to my knees. That was the forecast I heard.

Contrary to that when I got up it was awesome out. Only about 7 inches of snow fell. The temperature was above freezing.  It was really nice. The view of the bay from the boardwalk was stellar and all was good!

I made my best effort to stop and take it all in. It truely was inspirational!

Btw... thanks again for following me on my journey.  It really makes me feel special to know you are out there rooting for me :-)

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Four fifths bullshit - Day 36

I know this guy who rationalizes terminating relationships by saying that you should keep looking for the one that is five fifths. To me that is bullshit. If you are that close and have made a commitment you make it work.

For example... this trek is hard and I live to do it most of the time.  However sometimes like today it was really difficult.  Maybe 1 out five times. Sure lets go with that. Am I going to give up on my commitment and say fuck it.... maybe yoga is my thing!!

No I am going to stick with it becuase the results speak for themselves.  As of today I am 8 pounds shy of my goal weight, which I had not planned to shed till August 4th, I look awesome,  and I am healthy, and 4 fifths happy... maybe I should give up on happiness too!

If you really look at it 4 fifths is really an awesome place to be.... if your word is important to you you learn to make it 5 fifths!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Karma Police - Day 35

Lol... the title really has nothing to do with the hike this morning. I just wrote it there to remind me of something funny that happened last night.

3 hikes in 24 hours....... Woooooooooooo Hooooooooooooo! !!!!

Monday, March 24, 2014

Captains Iog suplimental - Day 34b

Sometimes you need a p.m. workout!! Maybe it was just the raging snowstorm that got me worked up ;-)

Landscape shape - Day 34

This is not the hardest part of my day! With consistent effort and mindfulness getting up at 4am and climbing this mtn. is easy. Tina asked me if I remembered the 1st day up. Man that was hard  now on day 34. I can get up and back no problem.  Back in the old days(lol) we used to know that it would take a month to get back into Landscape Shape at the beginning of each summer.  But the results were never like this!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

March 23 - Day 33

Happy Birthday to my sister Tina who was my hiking partner today.we had a great hike. A good time was had by all!!

Saturday, March 22, 2014

The Warrior - Day 32

Man I felt good today going up the hill. I started the day out in a bad mood. I felt like I had a hang over. Plus a sore throat. I had just dealt with something uncomfortable and then went for the trek. It amazes me how exercise of any kind, especially that done in nature, and especially in solitude brings forth peace in the body and proper thinking in the mind!! A man went up that hill today and a warrior came down. Bring it!!

Friday, March 21, 2014

I see the light - Day 31

It's funny to me that, for the lat 30 days I have been fighting this up hill battle in the dark, no flash light. Just by what little I could see and by what I thought I knew, and by instinct. People had been telling me to get a light and I was stubborn. Yesterday my Dad gave me a head lamp and I used it and it made all the difference. I did the trek significantly faster. Undeniable proof that the light helped.

It's funny, because it is also a great metaphor for what has been happening in my life. For those of you who don't know. I split up with my girlfriend of 3 years on February 5th. Up to Wednesday, I had large hopes that we would reconcile. Which is one of the main reasons I started this challenge in the first place, in hopes of showing her that I could be trusted to do what I said I would do, and hope that she would be proud of me. Until I found out she got engaged after only 5 weeks to the guy she started seeing the day after we broke up. To me it felt like a horrific bombshell blew up in my face. I was VERY angry and said things that were hurt full. My faith was shattered and I was filled with confusion. That was Wednesday....Last night I spent a lot of time reflecting on how much I really do care for Corinne and that I truly do love her. That she needs to do what ever will make her happy and it is ok. That I forgive her, and myself. That was the other light I got yesterday. The light that is going to help me move forward faster to being happy and living the life I have dreamed of. Thank you Corinne you are, and always be my soul mate, I love you, and I wish you all the best in the future :-)

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Rocking it!!! - Day 30

Today is the half way point to the end of the challenge.  Yesterday it was decided that the next challenge to follow this one will be a 60 day body building challenge. Thanks for all your support I couldn't do ot with out you. Woooooooooo Hoooooooooo!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Listen to your body - Day 29

Had a lot on my mind....I couldn't sleep so I went up the hill an hour earlier than normal.... I feel a lot better....Thanks!!!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Alternate Routes - Day 28

Again the path was slippery fell down got back up.  Same as yesterday. Did my mantras when it was tough.  Forced myself to do them when it was easy. Took a few alternate routes which was fun. Had a new set of thermals today. Fourth Element Subxero panys. Worked great. I knew they would because I use the for scuba to, and I wear Fourth Element all winter long. Great gear made by great people :-)

Monday, March 17, 2014

Slippery Slopes - Day 27

Very icey again today. Going up not so bad. Coming down really rough. Fell down and got back up!!!! Sometimes you have to take the slippery slope s to get the big pay offs :--)

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Rainy days and sundays - Day 26

Lol... I just got that. Rainy days and "sun" days. I wonder if they meant that to be like that. Rainy days and sundays always get me down.... fuck that!! When you are inspired you keep on trucking. On that note, I am going to share my favorite quote with you all.
"When you are inspired buy some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds: your mind transcends limitations,  your consciousness expands in every direction,  and you find yourself in a new, great and wonderful world.
Dormant forces, faculties,  and talents become alive and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be" - Patanjali

Saturday, March 15, 2014

My wave - Day 25

A beautiful day on the trail! Today I had an added treat. I had a few good old friends accompany me. Soundgarden, The Vaughn Brothers, Jim Collins, and many more!! I recently found my old Ipod and brought it with me. Great for a change of pace :-)  Thanks Apple :-)

Friday, March 14, 2014

L - Day 24

Hey Gang, Today I am taking a minute to write from the top of the mountain.  The rain has slowed and it is super nive up here :-)

Today I wanted to give a huge shout out to my friend Lisa who is going to the doctor this morning to get her back checked out. Lisa is a ver awesome and active woman whos spirits are dampened by her pain. I ask you all to send her your love this morning :-) Thanks for being so great Lisa. All the best.... this hike is for you!!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Don't push - Day 23

Have you ever seen those bumper stickers that say "Don't Push"? Essential they are saying stay off my ass because your causing me to much stress. Lol. Well I realized I was the pusher. Not in the Steppenwolf way(lol) but the bumper sticker way. Pushing myself so hard that I couldnt think straight, my stomach hurt, my knees were in pain. I realized I needed to relax. All my goals wilk come in the right time.  Plus a little perspective.  My goal here is to go up and down that mtn. 60 times.  Not under 60 minutes or running or standing on my head. The faster times and the weight loss are not the main goal. Just VERY happy accidents. 

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Snow Job - Day 22

Two photos for today. One with flash one with out. Both from the same spot. Got snow? Yup plenty :-)

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Bad boots - Day 21

Congratulations to Deannea for making the 5am trek with me!! Woooooo hoooooooo!!!! Great work :-)
Why bad boots... well it turns out the path is not as slippery as I thought. I just had bad boots on today and yesterday. T I me for a great pair. Any suggestions?

Monday, March 10, 2014

78 minutes - Day 20

So my goal time is 60 minutes and I have been doing the trek in about 67 mins. Today was 77. Am I disappointed.  NO!! Today was a hard slog up that f-in' hill. Super slippery. One step up and stop. Pull myself up by the trees and the railing. I made it :-) coming down was great fun. I said forget abouy it and slid dowb it like an alpine slide. I would say I slid about 70 percent of the way down the George Cove Mtn. Trail.  WOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOO! !!!!!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Walk and Talk - Day 19

Thanks to my new friend Jackie for coming on the trek with me today. You did a great job!! Thanks for the support :-)

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Saturday Fun - Day 18

Thanks to my good friends the Myettes, as well as my neice and nephew(A and B) for coming along today. Monday - Friday the body gets the focus. Saturday and Sunday is for the soul! Great fun, good laughs,  awesome people!!

Friday, March 7, 2014

Think Win Win - Day 17

Someone said win win to me yesterday, then my buddy told me he was revisiting the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (if you want to learn more about the 7 Habits please see my earlier blogs). Today the idea of think win win was strong with me. Today I had to start a 1/2 hour early to make something happen at work. Its a win win because they asked me to be at the customers for 7. I explained that I run in the a.m. and asked if geting to my work by 7 would be ok. Normally I start work at 8. They agreed and it was a win win. When you seek the win win agreement nobody loses..... Except for me who lost 1 second off my time for the trek. 67 minutes.... yeah dawg!!! WOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOO! !!!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Have a plan - Day 16

Up to now  I have just been trying it out. As of today, really yesterday I figured out my plan. 1st run from my house to 1st hill. Extrnding my stoping point up the hill each day. Then brisk walk to top of mtn.  and back down. 3rd always run best at the end. Once I get a preset distance from my house I run again. Extending that distance every day. Eventually the two ends will meet and I will run the whole way!!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Dress for success - Day 15

-16 degees! -30 with the wind chill. Dressed properly in all my thermal protection... I was too warm. Key item
... hand made face sock. Kept my boogers from freezing!  Thanks KA :-)

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Some time its better to walk - Day 14

Sun came up earlier than I expected today . If you look you can see the light up in the right of the pic. It was a nice surprise!

Monday, March 3, 2014

Set big goals - Day 13

This morning I set a time for myself of 60 minutes to complete the trek. My best time so far in the dark is 70 minutes, I I will have to fact check later. Anyway my time today was 67 minutes. 3 minutes faster! That's a great success. My BHAG - Big Hairy Audacious Goal of 60 minutes helped me shave off 3 minutes. Here I come 60 minutes!!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Family - Day 12

Day 12 - Mar. 3, 2014 at 2:15 p.m. (247/215) 90 minutes

Had a great trek up the hill with my sister Tina, and her kids Angelina and Benjamin.   Plus their pup Maggie. A good time was had by all :-)

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Take it easy - Day 11

Day 11 - Mar. 1, 2014 Time Unimportant. (Unimportant) Speed Unimportant

Do you know that saying... when you are a hammer, everything looks like a nail. Well I am not a hammer. Today was a take it easy day. My day off, my commitment, never waivers, but who says I have to be flat out all the time. Enjoyed a nice leisurely trek, took some pics, leaned against a tree and listened to the wilderness, enjoyed the sun... Enjoyed being by myself!! I think I am going to make tomorrow like that too!