It's funny to me that, for the lat 30 days I have been fighting this up hill battle in the dark, no flash light. Just by what little I could see and by what I thought I knew, and by instinct. People had been telling me to get a light and I was stubborn. Yesterday my Dad gave me a head lamp and I used it and it made all the difference. I did the trek significantly faster. Undeniable proof that the light helped.
It's funny, because it is also a great metaphor for what has been happening in my life. For those of you who don't know. I split up with my girlfriend of 3 years on February 5th. Up to Wednesday, I had large hopes that we would reconcile. Which is one of the main reasons I started this challenge in the first place, in hopes of showing her that I could be trusted to do what I said I would do, and hope that she would be proud of me. Until I found out she got engaged after only 5 weeks to the guy she started seeing the day after we broke up. To me it felt like a horrific bombshell blew up in my face. I was VERY angry and said things that were hurt full. My faith was shattered and I was filled with confusion. That was Wednesday....Last night I spent a lot of time reflecting on how much I really do care for Corinne and that I truly do love her. That she needs to do what ever will make her happy and it is ok. That I forgive her, and myself. That was the other light I got yesterday. The light that is going to help me move forward faster to being happy and living the life I have dreamed of. Thank you Corinne you are, and always be my soul mate, I love you, and I wish you all the best in the future :-)
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