Monday, March 7, 2011

It's been a month....

Hey Gang.... It's been almost a month since my last blog. My how time flies. I would love to say that I was unavailable because I was off jetsetting around the world experience new adventures in far off wonderful places. Alas if I were to tell you that I would be a liar. Fact of the matter I had allowed myself to get caught up in a whirlwind of negative energies that ultimately involved people being hospitalized, others being arrested(hopefully), and a lot of little lessons learned along the way. I`ll leave it to your imaginations to fill in the details of my story :-)

The biggest lesson I was reminded of was to always be positive! is that simple. If you keep a positive outlook on life you will be a happier person.

Now I know some of you are saying...well how do I do that when the walls are coming down around me, or my bills are past due, or everyone around me seems out to get me?

Here are a few simple steps to help you get back on track:

  1. Start small - find something in your life that you are thankful for or that brings you joy. It can be something as simple as a cup of GREAT coffee or someone you love. Think about that for a little while. Maybe drink that coffee or visit that person
  2. Think BIG - Always remember that it could be worse. You are not sitting in a Nazi Concentration Camp like Victor Frankl was( hiding out in a bathroom with six other women avoiding death squads as Immaculee Ilibagiza( had to do during the Rwandan genocide. Thanks your lucky stars!!!
  3. Be excellent - To quote Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure( "Be EXCELLENT to each other!" Go do something nice for someone else. Helping other people always makes me feel better. Hold the door open for someone, pick up a hitch-hiker, take your kids to the movies(the one they want to see), give your wife a hug!
  4. Turn it off - If there is someone or something in your life that is causing you great distress. Turn it off. Avoid them or it at ALL COSTS!!
  5. Smile! Smile! Smile!
Thanks for taking a moment to read this blog. Focus on the positive and the positives will take care of you. Have a great day and be EXCELLENT to each other :-)

Johnny O.

P.s. - I don't know who this kids is! If she doesn't make you smile, smile, smile, you ARE dead ;-)


Feel free to Follow ProAdventurer on Twitter @ProAdventurer

As well on my Facebook fanpage Adventures with Johnny O.

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