Day 2 - Feb. 20, 2014, 10:54 a.m. (254/215)
I promise that in the next 58 days there will be posts that consist of... I went up the mountain, here's the picture, I came down the mountain. Bob's your uncle. Today is not that
I think I was about 15 or 16 when I first realized this phenomenon. I am sure that there were earlier occurrences, this time frame is when I remember first. I remember playing football, and the field speaking to me. I didn't know how to describe it like that back then, but that was what was happening. Time would slow and I would automatically know where the other teams play was going to happen. Marvelous really. I have had it happen again many times over the years, for example when I scuba dive and I let go and follow the sea life, or the motion of the plants, and it leads me to something wonderful, or when I play music, and the music takes you somewhere you had never been before. I have read about mountains like Everest talking to its climbers and the wind talking to sailers. Today George Cove Mountain spoke to me. I first noticed it on my way to the entrance when I spotted two Eagles dancing in the wind at the peak, as if to say you got the right idea come on up. When I got on the trail I was worried that last nights snowstorm would hinder my progress. Instead the mountain spoke to me and said I have put this snow here to help you get a better footing, and left some of your footprints from yesterday to make you feel secure and show you where to go. She said, the trees have agreed to keep their snow covered branches down so that you can cling to them to help you get up. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't easy to get up, I stopped many times to composed myself behind a thunderous belch of heavy breathing. Many times!! At one point I was intentionally crawling on my knees to get up, and sliding on my ass to get down. As I slid I would laugh to myself...Arrest Arrest Arrest, as if I were a big time mountain climber, or as if I even had an ice axe. Then after my few minutes at the summit, picture taken, I made my way down, the mountain gave me the greatest lesson of all. That during times of distress like going up the mountain you are more focused and essentially safer. You watch each move you make and your focus becomes very exact. When you are in times of ease, like coming down the mountain, you need to constantly slow yourself and be mindful of the objective. For as I started my way down, with a sigh of relief for a making it up, I began to slip and fall and slide, having to once again hold on to my friends the trees for stability. Shortly I made it down, but the focus that I had from my way up was not there. The mountain spoke to me one more time as I walked back to my house, she told me I was on the right path. On the way to George Cove Mtn, I saw a car that looked just like my friends, and I said to myself if I knew their licence plate number I would be able to distinguish them from the thousands of identical cars that pass me daily. Well anyway...on my way home, in almost the exact same spot, well let's just say that person's license plate ends in 992! Synchronicity at its best.
Here are the 4 things the mountain reminded me of today:
1 - Even if you have to crawl on your knees, always keep moving forward. Any progress is better than no progress. Never give up!
2 - When things appear to be at their easiest is when you want to be most attentive to your goals. Because your focus is easily defused.
3 - There are forces and people out there willing to help, as long as you are willing to accept that help.
4 - That I am indeed on the right path!