Going diving in a few minutes and wanted to take a moment to share this thought....
Many people say to me "how can you can you afford to do all the things you do?" or "It must be nice to be able to afford all that gear?"
Well to be honest with you I can't!! If it weren't for the help of the people around me none of this would ever happen. First I would like to start the new year off by saying thank you to all the people who have helped me get to where I am today. Second here are a few tips from my life experience to help you get the most out of your adventures:
1 - Get involved - If there is an adventure activity that you wish to take part in, join a club, make some friends who do that activity, get out there and start doing it.
2 - Support your local - After being a dive shop manager for close to 5 years, I can tell you that this is VERY important. The people at your local are keyed into the pulse of what is going on. They know who's going where, when, and why!! They are the professionals, and usually the BEST in your area. Treat them with the respect that they deserve and you will be amazed at the results. Get involved with your local.
3 - See the forest for the trees - In any activity, business, family whatever, there can be a LOT of BS. Don't get caught up in it. Figure out the truth for yourself. Be smart and be educated. Know when you are getting a good deal, know when you are being fed a load of bull, and vice versa. More importantly, KNOW when you are the one delivering the BS.
4 - Be thankful... This morning a Facebook friend was sad that only 4 people had wished him Happy New Year on FB. I reminded him that there are some people that did not recieve any well wishing. That he was lucky to have 4!
5 - Be excuse free - Let's say that you were planning to go with people on an adventure.... let's say diving, and at the last minute you back out because you realize you have no groceries and all the grocery stores will be closed by the time you are finished. Poor excuse. Do I have to make a list of the MANY ways this could be resolved or avoided? I didn't think so :-)
Anyway time is running short for this today.... Happy New Year!!
Johnny O.
P.s. - Next blog will be about Habit #3 I promise.
P.s.s. - Remember there is no such thing as cold weather conditions. Only poor equipment and poor planning. Start planning!
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As well on my Facebook fanpage Adventures with Johnny O.
Happy New Year John! Looking forward to hearing all about your adventures! Maybe some day soon I will join you on one! :)