Friday, April 18, 2014

Be the sword - Day 58

Well this is Thursday's blog written on good

To make up for the debacle of falling down so many times the previous night, Thursday, I hit the trail hard! During the day yesterday I was starved. I ate everything I could get my hands on. Including two teen burger COMBOS, root beer and all, from A&W. I guess my body wanted all those calories to regenerate and to give me the power to propel myself up the mountain with way more power and determination than usual.

Recently I explained to a good friend, that sometimes in life you have to be the sword. I was using at as a metaphor for not taking shit from people, but I guess it also means not to taking shit from life too. SOMETIMES.... when life or the mountain or people or yourself knock you down, sometimes you do get up with the most force and impact you have ever seen or felt in your life. Usually it surprises you when you do!

If you have war in your heart... be the sword if that is what you have to do. My suggestion is that you prepare youself for those moments ahead of time so you don't end up swording(made up word) the wrong thing/people!

Thanks and I hope you have a "GOOD" Friday,
Johnny O.

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