Saturday, April 19, 2014

Challenge accepted and completed - Day mother-f'n 6-0!!!

To be honest I understand that there are people who do this type of thing every day, 365 days in a row for years and years in a row. However life is all a matter of perspective, the meaning of any situation is only the one we give it. For me this challenge was a big deal. At a time of great uncertainty in my life it became something I could hold on to, to bring me some focus. When I first set out to do this I was out to prove my importance to other people. To gain peoples trust and to prove that I was as good as anyone else!

I don't know if accomplished that goal, but you know what I did do? I conquered my challenges, over came obstacle after obstacle, and began to inspire others to do the same. As the days went by one after another I started to realize that I did not need to prove myself to anyone, not even to myself. That my word is golden, but so what! Life is not a rigid time line it is flexible and bending. If I were to change my mind and stop so what, I am not any less of a person if I completed the 60 days or not. Created new habits in my life, or not. I am who I am and no outside task or accomplishment can truly prove that to another person or to even myself, or even change that. 

So why did I keep on going? Because as more and more people came to me with kind words, and offered their gratitude for their inspiration. I realized that this was a great opportunity to help people. Help lift people up by lifting myself up. That course of action is important to me!! There was never a doubt in my mind if I could hike up that mountain 60 days in a row. Actually I did it 61 times in

Thank you to all the people who supported me on this journey, thank you to all the people who saw me walking, read this blog, or saw my smile and were uplifted. Thank you for being the next ripple in this pond, thank you for taking action and in turn inspiring someone else!

So, I was asked earlier how I felt to finish this goal, the only reply I could come up with was peaceful... that peaceful feeling you get when you know you did a job well done :-)

Whats next? My plan is to take one week off, then I am going to start a 60 day body building/sculpting challenge, then after that a 60 day SCUBA Diving challenge. Please keep coming back and checking up on my progress. I will post daily blogs and pics to mark my progress. 

In closing this awesome chapter of my life, I encourage you to find something in your life to focus on for 60 days. Something you don't do now, or something you would like to do better. If it is fun, awesome, if it is not, fine. Just go do it, only you know what that challenge can be and why it will be important. Because at the end of the day only you can decide why your life has/will have meaning!

Thanks for tuning in,
Johnny O.

P.s. - See you in a week ;-)

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